Wonderful Waterloo Archive

This site is maintained by Sam Nabi as a record of the vibrant Wonderful Waterloo community, which was taken offline in 2014. This site is a partial archive, containing some posts from 2009-2013. To read more about the recovery effort and access the data in a machine-readable format, check out the GitHub page.

Posts by Brenden

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Waterloo (City) Election Talk
Post #4005
So which one of our Wonderful Waterloo members is going to be running?[...]
Pizza In Waterloo Region
Post #5532
<div class="bbcode_container"> <div class="bbcode_quote"> [...]
Small Urban Cambridge Construction
Post #9663
<div class="bbcode_container"> <div class="bbcode_quote"> [...]
Kitchener Election Talk
Post #10953
So which one of our Wonderful Waterloo members is going to be running?[...]
Woolwich Election Talk
Post #10983
So which one of our Wonderful Waterloo members is going to be running?[...]
Wilmot Election Talk
Post #10995
So which one of our Wonderful Waterloo members is going to be running?[...]
Wellesley Election | Uncontested
Post #10999
So which one of our Wonderful Waterloo members is going to be running?[...]
North Dumfries Election Talk
Post #11002
So which one of our Wonderful Waterloo members is going to be running?[...]
Cambridge Election Talk
Post #11038
So which one of our Wonderful Waterloo members is going to be running?[...]
Rally For Rails | December 5, 2010 12 - 1 PM @ Waterloo Public Square
Post #20360
<div class="bbcode_container"> <div class="bbcode_quote"> [...]
U/C Fieldgate Commercial Site - Ira Needles & Highland | 6 m | 1 fl | Sobeys Opens Jan 20
Post #23352
<div class="bbcode_container"> <div class="bbcode_quote"> [...]
Post #26178
I have my ticket, has anyone else been selected to go?[...]