Wonderful Waterloo Archive

This site is maintained by Sam Nabi as a record of the vibrant Wonderful Waterloo community, which was taken offline in 2014. This site is a partial archive, containing some posts from 2009-2013. To read more about the recovery effort and access the data in a machine-readable format, check out the GitHub page.

Posts by ruud

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Small Uptown Waterloo Construction
Post #15114
I've been watching this project everyday and this has to be by far the best designed and most i[...]
Sushi in Waterloo Region
Post #15682
I had lunch at Sushi 99 today for the first time - just like the others it was much, much better the[...]
Symposium Café
Post #20747
They had a $25 coupon for $10 on WagJag a couple of weeks ago, so I guess they're in need of cu[...]